The topic of period sex can be a bit taboo for some, but it's a natural part of life and can be a great way to connect with your partner. One thing that can make period sex more comfortable for both partners is using menstrual cups. These small, flexible cups are inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood, and they can be worn during sex without any mess or discomfort.

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I recently had the opportunity to try out two different menstrual cups during period sex, and I wanted to share my experience with you. I hope that my story can help you feel more comfortable and confident about embracing your sexuality, even during that time of the month.

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The Menstrual Cups I Used

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The two menstrual cups I used for period sex were the DivaCup and the Lena Cup. Both of these cups are made of medical-grade silicone and can be worn for up to 12 hours, making them perfect for overnight wear or extended periods of time. The DivaCup is slightly longer and has a more pronounced bell shape, while the Lena Cup is shorter and wider with a flared rim.

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Inserting the Cups

Before engaging in period sex, I inserted both cups according to the instructions provided. I found that the DivaCup was a bit easier to insert and position correctly, as its longer shape made it easier to reach and adjust. The Lena Cup, on the other hand, took a bit more maneuvering to get it in place, but once it was positioned properly, it felt secure and comfortable.

Comfort and Security

Once both cups were inserted, I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable and secure they felt. I was able to move around and engage in various sexual positions without feeling any discomfort or worry about leaks. The cups stayed in place and did their job of collecting menstrual blood without any issues.

The Experience of Period Sex

Having period sex while wearing menstrual cups was a great experience for both me and my partner. We were able to enjoy intimacy without any mess or discomfort, and the cups were completely undetectable during sex. My partner also appreciated the fact that I was able to relax and enjoy myself without worrying about any potential mess.

Removing the Cups

After our intimate encounter, I removed both cups to see how they had performed. I found that the DivaCup was a bit easier to remove, as its longer shape made it easier to reach and grasp. The Lena Cup required a bit more effort to remove, but it still came out without any issues. Both cups had collected menstrual blood without any leaks or mess, and I was able to clean them easily before reinserting them for continued wear.

Overall, I was extremely pleased with the experience of having period sex while wearing menstrual cups. Not only did the cups provide a clean and comfortable solution for managing my period during sex, but they also allowed me to feel more confident and in control of my body. I would highly recommend trying out menstrual cups for period sex, as they can make the experience much more enjoyable for both you and your partner.

In conclusion, period sex doesn't have to be a daunting or messy experience. With the help of menstrual cups, you can enjoy intimacy without any worries or discomfort. Whether you choose the DivaCup, the Lena Cup, or another brand of menstrual cup, I hope that my story has inspired you to explore new ways of embracing your sexuality, even during that time of the month. Cheers to happy and satisfying period sex!